Acupuncture uses over 365 acupressure points known to help heal the body. It works using the bodies parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system to balance your body from either the fight or flight state or a rest and digest state. Each point is clinically designated to help certain pathologies due to an imbalance. Acupuncture helps regulate that balance.
Tuina is a subcutaneous treatment that works with the sinews in the body to help release stagnation it has similar aspects to a lymphatic massage. However we use our oriental medical diagnosis and knowledge of the channels, sinews, acupressure points and certain techniques to create harmony by within the body.
Oriental Medicine has a different take on nutrition. Depending on an individual's imbalance we would recommend certain foods to help naturally regulate the body to its natural healthy state.
Dry Cupping
Dry Cupping is a subcutaneous treatment using heat to create a vacuum . After the medical intake we will work with sinew channels and acupressure points of the body to achieve a more balanced state. This can leave some temporary marks on the body but is not always needed.
Herbology is similar to western pharmaceuticals only everything we use comes from mother earth. We combine different herbs for your specific need. This should be taken seriously as anything you put in your body has a stronger effect. Some of our herb formulas are just as effective if not more than western drugs. These herbs should only be taken for the individual diagnosed.
Moxibustion delivers heat and nutrients to an acupressure point to penetrate deep into the body to tonifying an individual's system. This is achieved through a certain frequency the moxa delivers as it burns.
Trust in the Universe
In Oriental Medicine there are guidelines that help you live in better harmony with the world around you. The Circadian Clock is the tip of the iceberg to live better within the natural environment around you. You do not need to live in pain nor do you have to define yourself by any illness. We can help you come back to your natural balance to live in a harmonious state.
The environments we create can dictate the outcome of our health. In quantum mechanics you realize things are not always as they appear and following the rules of physics we know we can alter our outcomes drastically with every choice we make.
Each person is unique. some are more sensitive to some things than others. Music, Aromatherapy, Physical Touch, Nutrition ALL play a role to ultimately dictate if the body goes into fight or flight or rest and digest functions. This will ultimately affect your hormones and inevitably cause or reverse imbalances.
100 E. Broward Blvd, Suite 100
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
9am - 5pm
1pm - 5pm